Friday, March 6, 2009

Getting Braces Goes High Tech With SureSmile and Wise Orthodontics

Getting braces just got a whole lot better with Wise Orthodontics! Now our patients can look forward to shorter treatment times and a more comfortable experience with braces.

That's thanks to SureSmile, an innovative treatment process that helps us guide your teeth into place with a new standard of speed and efficiency. This truly modern process involves several different types of advanced technology, giving you a superior experience from start to finish.

Better Pre-Treatment Assessment

We'll introduce you to our new technology at your very first appointment, when we take digital images of your teeth by moving a tiny digital scanner attached to a wand around the inside of your mouth. The scanner wand is more effective – not to mention more fun – than the traditional panoramic x-ray machine. Our new software combines these digital images to create a precise, three-dimensional model of your teeth.

Better Treatment Planning

Once your "digital mouth" is stored on our computers, we can manipulate your 3-D digital teeth into their final, correct positions. Our new software helps us plot the most effective route for each tooth to take toward its post-treatment position.

Better Braces Engineering

Based on our specifications, the new computer system designs a unique archwire for your teeth. Our software then conveys this design to robotic hands that bend your archwire into a precise, customized shape. The archwire material is a patented metal called "Shape Memory Alloy" – named for its ability to retain the special shape we design for you.

An Improved Orthodontic Experience

The technology-aided planning process, plus the exclusive ability of robots to shape archwire precisely, means that your teeth will move more quickly and efficiently into their final placement – requiring fewer adjustments during treatment. This means fewer trips to our office and less pain for you. Isn't technology great?

We are excited to be tapping into the future of orthodontics with this new system, and we look forward to providing you with a better experience because of it. Give us a call at Wise Orthodontics to schedule a consultation!

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